Do you ever find yourself going what does ‘ECTB’ mean when checking out your favorite Whiskey/Bourbon Site?! Here is a list of short form abbreviations & acronyms I have built up. These are the most likely used among your fellow bourbon/whiskey aficionados. Hopefully this list will get you started! If there is something missing let me know!
There are currently 112 names in this directory
1BSingle Barrel (Typically it is SB or SiB)
4RYLFour Roses Yellow Label
AECSAngel’s Envy Cask Strength
BHCBourbon Heritage Collection
BTACBuffalo Trace Antique Collection
BTECBuffalo Trace Experimental Collection
CEHTColonel E.H. Taylor (AKA - EHT)
ECBPElijah Craig Barrel Proof
ECTBElijah Craig Toasted Barrel
EWSBEvan Williams Single Barrel
HHSSHeaven Hill Select Stock
JPSJefferson's Presidential Select
KBDKentucky Bourbon Distillers (Willett)
LotBVan Winkle Special Reserve 12 Year, Lot B
MMCSMakers Mark Cask Strength
MWNDMid-Winter Nights Dram
OFBBOld Forester Birthday Bourbon
PMPrivate Message (Yeah! Not Whiskey)
PVW20Pappy Van Winkle 20 Year
PVW23Pappy Van Winkle 23 Year
PWSPhiladelphia Whiskey Society (Joint us on Facebook)
RSRVReserve (Yes that simple)
SAOSSmooth Ambler Old Scout
SFTBStraight From The Barrel
SFTCStraight From The Cask (AKA - SFTB)
VVOFVery Very Old Fitzgerald
VWFRRVan Winkle Family Reserve Rye
WSRWeller Special Reserve
WTASWild Turkey American Spirit
WTKSWild Turkey Kentucky Spirit
WTRBWild Turkey Rare Breed